
Tuesday, 18 March 2025

Project Stew Part One

 Another post that should have been in 2024.

In July 2023 Stew of A terrible Loss of Lead and Wealth ran a competition celebrating his Six Years of Blogging which I won. Hooray for me!!

The prize was a $25 voucher to the wargame company of my choice. Being addicted to 10mm I chose Pendraken. I did not want to just add it as part of another army, I wanted it to be a discrete project that would remind me of my luck (and Stew's blog) I was struggling to work something out when Stew gave me the idea in response to one of the comments on his blog.

So with the project instruction set I just needed to work out the detail.

The Project

It is mid 1944 and the Emperor of Japan calls his generals to a meeting in the Imperial Palace where he makes the obvious point that the war is not going exactly as planned. The generals all shuffle about uncomfortably until one says that the next battle is sure to be decisive. The Emperor raises an eyebrow and states "just like the 30 battles before that. Your incompetence displeases me. Luckily I have a Sneaky Terrifying Exquisite War-Winning plan!"

The Sneaky Terrifying Exquisite War-Winning Plan (STEWW Plan)

The Navy will supply a large submarine to carry a special team consisting of the Court Necromancer and his Ninja guards. The submarine will transport the team to the entrance of James River where a small boat will take the team up the river to  Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond Virginia. The Necromancer will raise a horde of Confederate Zombies to be led by the famous Confederate General J.E.B. Stuart. Once the horde is raised they will march on Washington causing mayhem and dismay, bringing about the fall of the U.S.A. as an unstoppable Confederate Army once again marches.

Its all coming together

Luckily Pendraken produce CSA zombies infantry and Ninjas. USA cavalry will be provided by my existing US army forces and the apocalypse by WW2. Working very quickly in December I ordered Ninjas, CSA infantry, a General Stewart figure and a Necromancer which all added up to just under the voucher amount and so a perfect fit. 

So after a very slow start here are my purchases all poorly painted up.

The Imperial Necromancer and his Ninja Guards

General J.E.B. Stuart and one regiment of zombie troops

A slightly better photo

Another blurry photo

A little bit less blurry.

I have added flags to the standards so they look slightly better.

Next things to do.

Work out a 3 to 4 game campaign where the CSA zombie army fights the US cavalry (who will be riding jeeps) and ends with an assault on the White House and the Capitol Building. 

Rules: Surprisingly there don't seem to be any rules for an assault by Confederate Zombies on Washington DC anytime during the 1940's! So I am going to have to make something up. Probably based on the OHW rules with special effects for Necromancers and Zombies. Shouldn't be too difficult.

Thanks for reading and hopefully the next installment wont take too long.


  1. A belated congratulations on winning Stew’s contest!

  2. Well, I consider myself extremely flattered. Thanks so much. I do hope that my silly statement will provide some fun for you. Though you are the madman who ran with it. Lololol. 😀

    1. Thanks Stew. It is lots of fun! Planning, purchasing, painting, and playing 😂
      Who would of thought (other than you) that it would all go this way 🤣
