
Thursday 13 September 2018

Colony 51 Spaceport in Sector G

Sector G is a backwater of human area of space. In Colony 51 the spaceport is shared by both military and civilian ships..

A photo of the main section of the spaceport shows the civilian traders and a detachment for the Botany Bay Prison Corporation.

At the front Thunderbird Ground Assault Craft of the 2nd Squadron embark troops of the BBPC’s 95th Light Battalion.

On the right are some Thunderbird Interceptors from the 4th Squadron.

On the left is some old spacecraft that has been impounded due to unpaid bills.

At the back on the civilian side are three independent traders.

On the right an enigmatic trader for some alien race.

In the centre is a YT-1300 Corellian light freighter loading cargo.

On the left the local office of the Narcotics & Armaments Smugglers Alliance (“NASA”) with a fast Apollo27 readying for take-off to deliver much needed pharmaceuticals to some desperate planet.

More views of the 95th Light Battalion embarking.

The Thunderbird Ground Assault Craft loads by raising its body and leaving the cargo pod on the ground. In a hot LZ it can just drop the cargo pod and fly off to safety. As Ground Assault craft are much more valuable than a penal battalion of infantry the BBPC purchased these for this very reason.