
Sunday 31 May 2020

40k Springfield - Kwik-e-Mart and Church

My third post on Springfield 40k

This time it is the Kwik-e-Mart and the church.

First up is the Kwik-e-Mart.

Kwik e Mart front

Kwik E Mart side 
More Duff Propaganda
An interior view
The owner died defending the store from looters - his final words "No credit!"

Kwik e Mart interior - the shelves are still stocked
Simpsons Inspiration

Reverend Lovejoy's Springfield Church of the Emperor. A beautiful building for worshipping.
During the invasion the Reverend grabbed the Sermon of Exterminatus - thinking it would destroy the invaders. Unfortunately, it had been written by a disgruntled priest for the sole purpose of killing all the worshippers. The results are clear and it was a resounding success.

The Church Entry

Church schedule

The poor worshippers.

The side of the church hides its hideous interior.

Another view of the interior. The reverend slumped over his lectern.

One worshipper nearly made it to the door.

Simpsons Inspiration

Sunday 17 May 2020

40k Springfield Moe's and Tire Fire

The second post of terrain for my 40k Springfield. This time it is Moe's Tavern and Springfield's world famous Tire Fire.

Moe's tavern was fun to make. I knew I wanted to have some skeletons at a bar, Moe defending the tavern with a shot gun, and the interior set up similar to the actual one. A pool table, bar, chairs and tables. Guess which skeleton is Barney.

Moe's front door

Inside view

inside view 2
Moe defended his tavern to the end

Last drinks gentlemen? Not yet.

Some Duff Propaganda on the back wall.
Simpsons Inspiration

Not much to do for the tire fire. I ended up buying 50 Lego tires on eBay to help build the tire fire.

The tire fire -front view

Tire Fire side view

Simpsons Inspiration

Sunday 3 May 2020

Springfield 40k - Duff Brewatorium

A long time ago I started to think about making a 40k city inspired by the Simpsons Springfield.

Like most of my projects it takes a least 5 years to get going but it has finally come to fruition.

Here is the first terrain square the Duff Brewatorium (I have to use proper 40k spelling) and Duff Man figure as well.

I have to thank a few people for this one. My daughter Alex who bought me the blimp to add to the scenery and my nephew Morgan who bought me the Sanguinary Priest figure, that after some head scratching, finally inspiration hit and it became Duff Man.

The whole thing.

Brewatorium ruins

Duff Man and his esky full of Duff - Duff Man is festooned with bottle openers.
Duff delivery truck

Duff Blimp

A different angle on everything
A close up of Duff Man -  a goblet of Duff in his right hand, a six pack of Duff in his left, two emergency cans of Duff on his belt and his magical eskies

Duff Man counts as dangerous terrain. Any model moving within 20cm of Duff Man or one of his eskies must roll for a hit, if they do not save, they are presumed lost for this battle, joining Duff Man and drinking some of that wonderful Duff.

Inspiration from the Simpsons