
Saturday 23 November 2019

Aircraft Carriers of the Apocalypse - Part 1

Back in April I wrote of finding an aircraft carrier suitable for 10mm gaming after years of half hearted searching. In June I surprisingly found two more. So for the grand total of $45 I have three aircraft carriers.

I also originally thought I would have to build the waterline up to these models as I thought that they were far too tall. However, spotting a small one in Sydney Harbour I could see that even the small carriers are very high off the water. So, while mine are a little bit too tall they are good enough for me.

So what to do with all these carriers.

As they are all second hand and in different conditions and my intended use of these are for post apocalypse gaming I decided to create - "The three aircraft carriers of the apocalypse."

Part One  - Aircraft Carrier of the Apocalypse Day One

It is the first day of the apocalypse and as far as the Captain of this carrier is concerned, everything is well in hand. Nuclear alien mutant zombies are not going to stop the Navy doing their duty.

Civilians are being saved by daring C47 Helicopter missions

Marine companies are flying off in their Osprey VTOL aircraft.

Fighters are landing and taking off for combat air patrols.

Attack Helicopters are taking off to support the marines.

On land civilians are being marshalled to safety and a heavy Marine column is moving out.

Three Ospreys are ready to take off and deliver their marine company for an urgent mission.

A pair of fighters have just returned. One is headed below decks for re-fuel and rearm. Two others are waiting for the Ospreys to take off before they can take off them selves.

An overview of the flight deck. At the rear C47's have landed with their cargo of civilians. I hope none have been bitten!
Attack helicopters are waiting for some space and then they will take off.

On the docks civilians crowd around the edges seeking the safety of the carrier. They have come by car and bus. Trucks are delivering cargo for the carrier and a marine column heads out led by jeeps and light armoured vehicles.

So far the apocalypse seems to be under control.The flight deck is crowded but nothing out of the ordinary.

Hopefully this one will be seen in the future beating off a Martian Landing . Elon Musk doesn't know it yet but Mars might already be occupied!

Part two and three to follow.

Saturday 9 November 2019

40k Dangerous Terrain - Flora

The home world of the Bogan Tribe is called Terror Australis. A world of only one small continent, and bypassed by most colonising expeditions for two reasons. Only the coastal section of the continent is able to be settled by any civilised people and the interior contains many terrifying natural dangers and the crazed remnants of old settlements.

Recently an Ork Roc crashed landed in the middle of the continent but its Ork forces were quickly killed by the flora and fauna of Terror Australis. Only some Grots managed to make it to the eastern coastal cities and towns where they took over. But that is a story for another time.

This post covers the dangerous Flora of Terror Australis.

Banksia Man eating Tree

The Banksia Man eating tree is the worst of the flora on Terror Australis. Its vines can go out and grab its victims and drag them to its waiting mouths to be devoured and turned into fertiliser.

Here the Space Rangers are too late to save one of their brethren from another chapter who moved too close to a waiting Banksia Tree. The Space Rangers  cant get too close as other Banksia trees are to the left and right. The Banksia trees often grow in circular groves where any unfortunate victim can be trapped and passed around from tree to tree.

The Summer Snap Dragon

This is slightly less dangerous than the Banksia tree. With less reach its victims have to be especially unwary. It often grows near Drop Bear ranges and relies on near misses from Drop Bears to send victims running in a panic close to the Snap Dragons so it can grab them.

Like the Banksia tree it crunches on its victims to make a good fertiliser so it can grow. Its victims bones lay around it.

Here the Space Rangers get the measure of this foe.

Un-exploded Ordinance

While not strictly a Floral pest, the bush of Terror Australis hides the remains of thousands of un-exploded bombs, missiles and artillery shells of the millions that have been fired into it with the aim of pacifying the environment. Despite all these bombs, the flora and fauna of the land is still as viscous as ever.

Some say the effect of all these bombs and various chemical attacks have made the situation worse.

Anyway, anyone foolish enough to explore the bush of Terror Australis need to keep a wary eye out for any un-exploded hardware.

Here the Space Rangers check out a missile barrage that did not make its target.