
Sunday 12 May 2019

Space Rangers Complete - The Elite of the Elite

After 15 years of work my Space Ranger Chapter for 40k is now completed.

According to the Second Edition of the rule book that I bought when I first started I have a real army. Hopefully it is still valid for the current rules. :)

So what is in the army.

Force Commander 
Buzz Lightyear with twin bolt pistols                                                                      60pts

Space Ranger Command Squad
5 Rangers with bolters, 1 with a missile launcher and 1 with a flamer                     128pts

Space Ranger Tactical squad
8 with bolters, 1 with a missile launcher and 1 with a flamer                                   136pts

Space Ranger Tactical squad
8 with bolters, 1 with a missile launcher and 1 with a flamer                                   136pts

Fast Attack
Assault Squad
5 Space Rangers with pistols and chainswords                                                       125pts

Bike Squadron
Three bikes/buggies with twin linked bolters                                                          105pts

Land Speeder Squadron
 Three Land Speeders                                                                                              150pts

Heavy Support
Three Dreadnoughts                                                                                                225pts

Total                                                                                                                1,065pts   

I have room to add various Veteran Sergeants, Standard Bearers, etc and other weapons to each squad. So not a particularly big force but the elite of the elite have to be choosy.  :)

And here are the photos of the completed force.

The whole force

Tactical squad blue

ReCon unit of bikes and buggies

Assault Squad - Falling with style

Tactical Squad Red

Land Speeders

Buzz himself - and his command squad.
Apparently, the rumours say that when the Space Ranger Codex is released any Buzz Lightyear who is firing double gangster style will get automatic hits on any model in range!

added photo of helmet
You can see a noticeable gap at sides and rear of the helmet.
Also you can see my poor modelling and painting skills  :)


  1. This is the most remarkable SM Chapter I've ever seen - together with my friend's Love Company in their pink and heart dotted power armors!

    1. Thanks Skully! Is there a link to your friends Company?
      "In the 40th millenium there is nothing but silly armies!"

  2. best silly army i have seen that can actually do something.

    One day it can fight my imperial guard.


  3. Absolutely Brilliant send-up of GW and all their "Grimdark Future" blather. Best ever, and I'm sure it will ALWAYS be equally viable in every edition! Whatever that means. Can you tell us which Bombshell helmet option fits best on the SM? I am going that direction, also. Thanks! Alex

    1. Hi Alex. I used the 36027 - Plastic Dome Sprue R10 that is 10mm in diameter. But please see added photo above for the gap that exists. The gap at the back is 3mm. As you can see the helmet on my figures sits on top of the head and is tilted forward so that it looks fine from front on.

      If I had better modelling skills I could have built up the back and sides of the helmet with plasticard or similar.

      I am not sure if the 12.5 mm option maybe a better fit at the back at the cost of being slightly wider.

      Thank you for the kind words on my Space Ranger force. When I bought the original box of figures my sons were watching Toy Story every day or two and so the concept was obvious to me. :-)

    2. Hi Alex. Just a warning to please take the Bombshell miniatures advice to use elmers/white glue and not contact glue. As I used the contact glue on one of mine and it ruined the helmet. See the last photo above of Buzz Lightyear firing double gangster and compare the top of his helmet to the ranger on the right. This is very visible on the mini.

    3. Thanks so much, Ben! I hope you go on to spread the Heresy of Fun Toys everywhere!

    4. No worries Alex. I am glad I could assist.
