
Friday 31 March 2023

Instant Martians

 A while ago I saw a post about some CP Model figures   Alien Avians from here

They look like this:

I immediately thought of the Instant Martians from the Marvin the Martian cartoons.

So i went and bought three squads 😁 to battle someone at some time in the future.

My interpretation.

Top down view

Who is that lurking in the background?

All photos taken with my new camera in my newish lightbox using the martian red backdrop.

As you can tell by all the close up shots I am quite pleased with these. 😊

This is probably the best painting I have ever done and all thanks to the contrast paints that I thought I would give a go.  I used the GW ones and purchased the green, purple and grey (for the gun) and undercoated white. The gentleman at the GW shop was very kind and directed me to the display they had with the various colours over white undercoat and helped me choose the right ones using the picture of the martian.

The other colours are just the usual paints.

Anyway, I thought it was very interesting to get such a good result with my meager talents.  They are also quite forgiving, I painted the purple over the green for one squad and it came out a ugly brown. But I just repainted white and then tried again and no issues.

Anyway, very pleased with this result and determined to see if I can get something similar on 10mm figures.  A very easy process and I can now see what the fuss is all about.

I know for talented painters this is very ordinary but for your enthusiastic painter like me it is a great leap forward.

And also yay for me, two posts in one month (just).

Wednesday 15 March 2023

After the Third Apocalypse - Albion Takes a Detour

The French army retreated to the next town to regroup their forces. Fully expecting the forces of Great England to follow them. But in a surprise move the English went into one of the borderland areas, following an old highway towards an abandoned scientific base. What were they up to!!

I am using scenario 11 Surprise attack from Neil Thomas' One Hour Wargames book. Not a very fair scenario with the rifle armed English units attacking the musket armed Skirmishes of the Outlanders.

The scenario has been slightly altered with an abandoned satellite ground station at the cross roads which is the objective of the English, They are also escorting two wagons to the ground station for their nefarious purposes.

The starting positions. The English forces arrive from the bottom of the picture composed of 3 Infantry companies, 3 gatling guns and the 2 wagons. 2 Skirmishers of the outlanders are waiting at the first cross road and 2 more will come on on turn 3 from the top and another 2 on turn 9 from the top left.

The English race forward while the Outlanders take cover in the crater on the right and the line of destroyed vehicles on the road.

While the English infantry push forward the gatling guns open fire

The English forces charge the weakened Outlanders on the road and destroy them. On the right the Outlanders hold on in their cover facing only one English company

But the main English forces pushes through ignoring its flanks. More Outlanders arrive and occupy the ground station.

The English push forward, ignoring the odds and not waiting for their supports.

At the first cross road the Outlanders retreat as they are nearly destroyed. Unable to face the English Infantry and supporting gatling gun. At the ground station the two English Infantry companies once again ignore casualties and push forward. The supporting guns race forward to attack the flanking Outlanders.

The Outlanders in the ground station have been destroyed.The ones on the flank continue their fire but are now badly outnumbered.

The Outlanders retreat having been blasted by the English firepower. The final two outlander companies never made it to the battle. The English waste no time in bringing their wagons up.

The French commander reads the report. What dastardly plan do the English have. What are they trying to resurrect from the old ground station. Sending commands to dormant satellites? Or worse sending commands to dormant missile silos! Will a Fourth Apocalypse follow the Third so quickly!

Continuing my small campaign / world. I have a few more small NPC armies in the pipeline. Not sure if they will make it though. I am also working on a map to help organise the various powers and give me a bit more structure to hang my ideas/battles from.
At the moment I am thinking that the English will be the power that is driving the narrative, seeking dominance in the fourth age with a cunning plan to conquer first Europe and then the world.

More of a way to play with the toys rather than build a coherent story.