
Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Back again and 2024 Terrain

 Finally getting the enthusiasm to restart the stalled blog with some items that could/should have been posted in 2024.

Starting with some new terrain.

In previous posts you would have seen the snow white cloth used for my Fluffy games. This was "borrowed" from the table cloth cupboard. 😁  I also have a black (inky darkness of space) cloth that I used for my game "Disaster on the Zoological Explorer Ship Crikey" posted last September, although you can't really see it.

With these examples I was thinking about an alien landscape and thought that a red cloth would be suitably alien, or at least Martian. So I purchased this and then made some terrain to fit. Luckily I was looking during the lead up to Christmas otherwise I don't think there would have been any red table cloths around. 😂

All the terrain. Trees, roads and ruins, plants of various types and my mushrooms from long ago.

Close up of my pipe cleaner trees. I have since made some red bases for these.

More pipe cleaner trees in pink sponge plants. Close up of alien ruins.

A different set of alien orange trees.

Kangaroo Legionnaires move through the ruins while Platypus archers prepare to ambush them. Somewhere on the red continent. 

 While very basic I found that this worked quite well and took myself off to K-Mart for some more tablecloths.

First up my desert cloth. A proper tablecloth but only $12

The fort came from Aliexpress and is one of those foam card models. Less than $15 and about the right size.

I had to buy a fort to go on it. I already have a oasis (although it needs some camels). I also got to use the sphinxes that I purchased long ago.

Close up of the fort manned by some plucky Brits. Since this photo has been taken I have made some adjustments so that the tower in the bottom right is more useful.
A dervish desert army with lots of camels is in the painting queue.

Finally a water cloth (or plastic in this case). Nice and blue so no one will mistake it for oddly coloured grass. A bargain at $3. It comes up remarkably well with a bit of terrain on it. 

Large Octopus or Kraken about to give someone's ship a bad day.

So these cloths are all cheap and cheerful. An expense that I can justify to myself for something that will be rarely used. And now every time I go to K-Mart I wander past the tablecloth section just in case there is something new. 😂