The afternoon of Day 1 of World War 3 in Northern Europe. The BAOR's defences are scrambling to stop the Soviet breakthroughs.
Captain Suvorov's next objective is a vital bridge over a canal. Soviet tanks and APC's cannot use their fording ability without engineering assistance to cross canals due to the steep edges. To keep the assault continuing Suvorov must capture the bridge.
A scratch force of the BAOR has been assembled to defend the bridge. The infantry company has been battered by Soviet airstrikes and only five sections, two light mortars, and a Milan ATGM remain. They also have a recon group of 2 Scimitar light tanks.
Suvorov's remaining Soviet forces are seven BTR60s, one BRDM-2 recce vehicles, three T62 tanks. All that is left from this morning's attack. No other support is available as all air and artillery have taken heavy losses and the remainder is employed elsewhere.
The Soviet forces moving down the road. The canal and bridge at the top of the photo. |
End of turn one. The BAOR waits. Suvorov thinks "maybe the bridge is undefended" |
End of turn two - Suvorov gets his hopes up. |
End of turn three - "oh no - there goes the BRDM!" |
End of turn four - Suvorov is not trying to blast his way through. Dismount the infantry and attack down both sides of the road. |
End of turn five - A T62 is hit by a Milan and two BTRs are hit by mortar fire. But the infantry begins its attack. |
End of turn six. On the right the Soviet infantry push forward. On the left, both T62s have laid down suppressive fire on the BOAR defenders. The Scimitar tanks load their recon elements and start moving to attack the Soviets from behind. |
End of turn seven - from the BAOR side of the battlefield. The Soviet attack on the left is pushing forward and overwhelming the British infantry. On the right the Milan and its section of infantry has been destroyed. Only an infantry section remains - no threat to the T62s. |
End of turn seven from the Soviet side. |
End of turn eight - On the right another BTR goes up in flames but the BAOR infantry are destroyed, the T62's carefully move up. In the rear the Scimitars have been left behind and will have no impact on the battle. The Soviet advance has been too fast. |
End of turn nine - the BAOR commander tells all to break off and run or surrender. Suvorov has captured the bridge! |
Suvorov reviews his remaining force. Two T62's, four BTR's and five sections of infantry. Enough the hold the bridge against any BAOR remnants retreating from battles further east, but not enough to advance. Hopefully reinforcements will arrive early on day 2 of WW3. |
Another fun game. It all seemed to work OK. I tried different tactics for the Soviets this time. I will have to see how it works with the Soviets on the defence.
Good stuff, thanks for posting Ben!
ReplyDeleteThanks Captain!