The morning of Day 2 of World War 3 in northern Europe. The BAOR's defences are just managing to hold but in some sectors a hasty counter attack is required to shut down Soviet breakthroughs. Captain Suvorov's sector is one of those. He has to hold the bridge until the second echelon arrives that afternoon.
Captain Suvorov's forces consist of two T62's, four BTR's and five sections of infantry. He hopes the British don't attack! But here they come, four Chieftain tanks, two Scimitar recon tanks and a company of infantry. They have ten turns to take the bridge before Captain Bagration arrives with his mechanised rifle company and supporting tanks.
No air support is available for either side.
The British infantry company deploys with two platoons up and one in support. All the armour is on the left. |
End of turn one - The British advance and the Soviets go on overwatch. |
End of turn two - A British section advancing in the open gets suppressed. The armour continues down the left flank. |
End of turn three - The two recon tanks explode - they have found the Soviets! The British infantry caught in the open are destroyed and the remaining British infantry deploy into the woods. |
End of turn four - The Chieftains exact revenge by destroying a T62. A BTR 60 is hit by a Carl Gustav light ATW and suppressive fire from British SAW's hit a Soviet section in the woods. But it is not all the Brit's way, a section deploying in the woods has been destroyed on the right. |
End of turn five - A Chieftain explodes but so does the remaining T62. The Soviet's manage to supress the British infantry in the central woods but on the left they are being overwhelmed. |
End of turn six - The central woods are clear of British as the Soviet fire forces them out. But the BTR60's retreat while Soviet infantry try to manoeuvre to get a flank shot of the Chieftains. |
End of turn seven - another two BTR60's lose the game of hide and seek. The Soviet infantry on the right embark in the remaining BTR60 and are going to make a break for it. The rest have no option but to surrender. They have no where to hide or run to. |
Another fun game and the Soviet steam roller is stopped for now. I am not sure what will come next. A set piece attack by the Soviets to get back the bridge, a very silly West German counter attack, a jump into the future with city fighting in Minsk, or a US Marine beach assault or 1st Cavalry air landing.
I have decided that my changes to the FUBAR rules have not really worked fairly and have impacted the infantry too much. While I have been using elements for the infantry I have not changed the Anti-Personnel fire factors for heavy weapons. This means that the machine guns in tanks and APC's are much more effective than before. I am going to think how best to correct this. Also the extra suppression does not really help the defenders, while they don't die, they can't do much either.