In the early years of the 20th Century in a
parallel universe (two to the left, four back and three clockwise) the German
Kaiser took a fateful decision that would change the course of history. After a
meeting with his navy chiefs, when he heard of the new British dreadnoughts
that completely outclassed his navy and how much money it would cost to rebuild
his navy to match the British, he was depressed, but still decided to go out to
lunch with Count Zeppelin (The Count was paying).
At lunch the Count expanded on his new idea that ships and navies where soooo 19th Century and that the future belonged to the country who controlled the skies. The Kaiser went back to his palace reinvigorated, with his head held high, a smile on his face, a full stomach and the satisfaction of leaving the Count to settle a substantial bill.
The next day the Berlin Times carried the following headline “GERMAN NAVY FOR SALE!” and then below it: “Kaiser Announces New Zeppelin Force To Control the Skies - Deutsche Luft Korp”.
It went on with a quote from the Kaiser “The British can keep
the oceans – Germany will own the skies! We don't need to go through them, we
can just fly straight over.” The Kaiser was praised across the world for his
peacemaking efforts in stopping the naval arms race.
But in the following week, after the hangovers and laughter
were gone, during a discussion on budgets for the next few years the enormity
of the Kaiser's decision suddenly hit home – no German Navy meant a much, MUCH
smaller British navy. NO new Battleships! A naval building program that
required a navy that was larger than the next two largest fleets combined was
no good when those two fleets only had one old battleship each. Something would
have to be done, and done soon, before the parliament worked out the
implications – careers were at stake!
Luckily, the fertile mind of First Sealord Churchill sprang into action and, with a little help from Mr. HG Wells and a few ingenious engineers, produced Landships. Ships of the Line that would track across the land carrying all before them just like battleships at sea. Finally the British Navy would really control the world. Code named “Tanks” to hide the program from the army until they were well underway, the Navy took to the land.
With the end of the
battleship arms race, each country had plenty of money to spend on their
favourite weapons and in just a decade's time after the factories had worked
overtime, they were all ready and willing to test them out.
The question was never “if” there would be a war but only where and when.

The Battle for Belgium began!
In the sepia
tones of the early 20th Century, there was only WAR!
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