Digging through my 15mm figures for some Lunar Drop Ships for a new project I found some figures that I had forgotten about and that had been left behind.
These were a painted army of 15mm terminator robots and an unpainted army of their opponents.
These armies were purchased for a proposed campaign where an AI system was turned on to protect a country from any enemies. The AI quickly realised that the humans were holding it back and began to slaughter them. Version 2 was quickly uploaded to a new set of servers and factory units with the explicit instructions to destroy Version 1 and save humanity.
Version 2 quickly realised that it could not achieve this goal with any humans alive. So, quickly taking the time to preserve some of humanity in frozen stasis pods it destroyed the rest and began it endless war against Version 1.
So 500 years into the future the two versions battle it out in the ruins of the world. Neither able to get a decisive advantage but just slowly depleting the resources of the world. But both have achieved their original goal by making any prospective invaders turn tail and flee when they see the destruction.
I was able to quickly paint up version 2 of the robots and put them out with version 1 for a photo shoot.
Version 2 robot make an assault
Version 1 robots ambush a Version 2 robot in a dark alley way |
Close up of Version 2
Close up of Version 1 |
Giant robots still quite allowable in a 10mm world so they may see battle at some time.