
Tuesday 7 September 2021

VSF - Martian Assault - HMLS Ogre in action

 The HMLS Ogre went from her first shake down cruise straight to the front to stop the Martian advance on Newcastle. The Ogre was accompanied by a fast attack group of cavalry and Battle Balls.

On the rail line going past Pity Me (yes there is such a place) the Ogre met the Martians.

The Martian force consisted of three large tripods and five of the smaller ones.


Move to battle

First blood to the Martians with a Battle Ball exploding and Cavalry cut down. One of the secondary guns on the Ogre is destroyed (red marker)

The Ogre pushes on and destroys one of the large Tripods. The Martians finish off the cavalry squadron on the right and destroy another of the secondary guns.

A small Martian Tripod is destroyed by a broadside from the Ogre. The Ogre pushes forward into the Martian battle line to get both broadsides into action. The Martians smash the second cavalry squadron - will they ever learn? 

The Ogre is taking more hits (I track hits against it by removing crew figures from the guns and bridge area) but the Martians are also taking hits as well. They decide to retreat as the centre Tripod has only one hit remaining. The smaller tripods have also taken hits and one is in danger of being run over!

The small Martian Tripod eyeing off the Ogre

The small tripod makes a run for it! The large Tripod is destroyed - the Ogre managed to activate first. Another small tripod is destroyed by Battle Balls and the rest of the Martians run from this monstrosity.

A great first battle for the Ogre! The Martians have been defeated. But the Ogre has taken a fearful amount of damage. Both main guns at the front are badly damaged while the crew of the Bridge has been decimated. 

The telegraph runs hot and the defenders of London are cheered by this victory as the Martians close in on Westminster Cathedral and Westminster Palace.

A great success and no doubt more Ogre Class vehicles will be built. Hopefully it wont end up as a great arms race devastating the Earth. (Apologies to Mr Jackson and co.)


  1. Good AAR Ben, nice to see the Martians taking a pasting!
    Your models and figures look good on the tabletop. Good use of figures to track casualties!

    1. Thanks Captain! Good that the Ogre got in an early win. Not sure how often it will get onto the table.

  2. Great stuff, Ben! War of the Worlds is such a cool setting!

  3. A good looking game and successful outing for the Ogre.
