
Sunday 17 May 2020

40k Springfield Moe's and Tire Fire

The second post of terrain for my 40k Springfield. This time it is Moe's Tavern and Springfield's world famous Tire Fire.

Moe's tavern was fun to make. I knew I wanted to have some skeletons at a bar, Moe defending the tavern with a shot gun, and the interior set up similar to the actual one. A pool table, bar, chairs and tables. Guess which skeleton is Barney.

Moe's front door

Inside view

inside view 2
Moe defended his tavern to the end

Last drinks gentlemen? Not yet.

Some Duff Propaganda on the back wall.
Simpsons Inspiration

Not much to do for the tire fire. I ended up buying 50 Lego tires on eBay to help build the tire fire.

The tire fire -front view

Tire Fire side view

Simpsons Inspiration


  1. Nice work Ben, especially like the bar patrons still in situ!

    1. Thanks Captain. That Duff is addictive.
