
Sunday 21 April 2019

Aircraft Carrier

Any self respecting post apocalypse adventure will always have an aircraft carrier either as a plot point or as an awesome back ground feature.

I have managed to find one for $12. So here it is.

Suitably scaled for 10mm miniatures I hope to rust it up some, occasionally make it the centre piece castle of some post apocalypse crew in some desert world or the remaining human island in some water world.


  1. Nice addition to your collection at a good price.
    You thinking of 'water lining' it adding some surround ocean?

    1. Thanks Captain. I was going to water line it but it is a very well constructed toy! I took it apart, emptied a cup of water, discarded the rusted batteries and decided that the 5-10 mm plastic hull plus many many supports was far beyond my limited modelling ability!

      So I am thinking of creating a sea / port water board were it just fits into a cut out section. My daughter (who is a sign maker) suggested corflute plastic sheet as a potential sea board that would be easy to cut and colour. I can then just lift the boards up 3-5cm to make it look like it is in the sea. Also this will leave the hull intact for any post apocalyptic battles in a dried up world where the carrier has been left high and dry.

    2. Look forward to see your set up!
