
Friday 15 February 2019

22C - battle in the ruins - Part 3

Part 3 - the final part of the story

Two slicks are destroyed by DroneZ

The RoBroZ assault begins. They have broken through the first line of defence

On the flank two TankZ have been destroyed but the RoBroZ assault on the strongpoint continues

A Gunships downs a DroneZ

The RoBroZ Assault continues but the defences are building.

The RoBroZ take the strong point

Two gunships chase a DroneZ

The last two RoBroZ in the crater contact the slick but the defenders hold.

End of turn 7. While human forces have lost many the toot forces have lost 90% of their HumanZ and 75% of RoBroZ.

Toot decides to withdraw the remaining forces as with no toot air cover  the human gunships will destroy what remains. It will have to redouble its efforts with these new human forces now appearing.


Later that day the feral major examined the battlefield and gave her thanks to the commander of the 5th Air Assault. A new dawn rises for humans as they can now take on toot directly. She immediately pledges her remaining forces to join the new human forces to fight for all humanity.

RoBroZ, slicks, ferals, humanity infantry all from Pendraken
HumanZ, wrecked cars, buses, trucks from AliExpress
DroneZ, TankZ, gunships, feral utes and battlebus from DropZone Commander


  1. Hi Mr B

    Happy birthday one month late.

  2. Hey Ben,
    Nice set up and an impressive series of posts well done!
    Like the way you are exploring your own universe.

    1. Thanks Captain. Not your level of terrain but plenty of it.
      Back to VSF soon.
