
Tuesday 3 October 2017

22C - DroneZ Dawn Attack


Once before a single toot DroneZ had attacked the port and destroyed a number of cars and trucks and sunk a ship that the ferals had converted for their use.

Since then, the ferals had kept a constant watch guarding against another attack. As they increased their resources they set up a watch tower on the sunken ship, one on each of their ships and submarine, and also on the tops of the buildings all armed with anti-aircraft machine guns.

Just as well, as early one morning six toot DroneZ attacked from the west in two groups of three.

In this battle the DroneZ will always go first. Only the ferals' AA is active to begin with, the rest of their units can start to activate from turn 3.

DroneZ attacking from top right hand corner

Turn 1

The DroneZ move and fire at the AA and destroy three of them plus a feral battle bus.
The remaining feral AA return fire and manage to destroy two DroneZ.

DroneZ blast the AA and battle bus but two dronez are shot down

Turn 2

The DroneZ continue their assault and target other feral vehicles. Two feral choppers are destroyed along with a truck and another AA gun is destroyed.

But the DroneZ pay the price of switching targets from the AA too soon and the ferals’ return fire downs three more of the DroneZ.

DroneZ cause a lot of damage but are in turn shot down.

Turn 3

The remaining DroneZ flees the battlefield.

Flames and explosions cover the battlefield

toot evaluates the data and determines that a further assault will be required. But how soon will that be?

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