
Wednesday 3 August 2022

Two Bumps and a How To Guide

 A belated post - I meant to post in July to keep up to my two posts a month standard but failed once again.

I am sure I am probably preaching to the converted but I would like to recommend to my 16 followers (up 60% this year!)  two wargame blogs that I follow.

Norm over at /


Stew's blog "A Terrible loss of Lead and Wealth" over at   

Both of these blogs are very well written and their authors obviously spend a lot of time writing each post (or are very talented)  By well written, I mean that even though you may not be that interested in the particular topic, you are able to enjoyably read the post. Just like you would for an article in a wargames magazine. They both post regularly and answer any comments that you leave -  even the lame ones from me.

So I recommend that you add them to your "Blogs I follow" list.

Now, I hear you ask, "when I follow a blog it does not update when there is a new post. So why bother?"  Well Norm has written an excellent  post on "how to get your blog roll to update automatically when a new post is made".

Just follow his instructions and the blogs you follow will be updating all the time! See I told you they were great blogs!


  1. I heartily endorse both blogs too mate, although Stews I only found recently. Incidentally yours ain’t bad either!

    1. Thank you JBM - very kind.

    2. I’m also liking your blog…SO FAR!😀😀

  2. Already follow Stewarts, but will check out the other one to.

  3. Hey Ben, thanks for the bump. Not sure I deserve it. But Norms blog I’m sure deserves it. 😀
    I find two posts a month just doable and sometimes I wow myself with 3.

    1. Stew your blog is very readable and well worth a bump. :-)

  4. Nice "bumping" there, Ben!
