
Tuesday 12 July 2022

Rangers of the Apocalypse

 A new faction for my VSF forces and battles. Rangers of the Apocalypse! 

Guarding the fringes of the civilised areas against the men of the wastes and other undesirables such as mutants and monsters. The Rangers are the first line of defence, holding the line until the main army can arrive.

The Rangers often travel through the wastes to see what is out there or guarding expeditions that search through the rubble of the cities of yesteryear looking for advanced technology and lost knowledge.

Anyway something else to add to the painted pile.

Moving through the trees

A slightly different angle

And again

Painted to my usual standard.  The PVA I use to glue them to the bases looks very shiny in the photos but much less so in reality. 

All figures are Pendraken from their AWI range.


  1. Looks like a lot of miniatures! I don’t know what the VSF stands for being new around here. It’s sounds sci-fy from the description but using AWI figures? Interesting…😀

    1. Thanks Stew. Minis are only 10mm so not so not too many to paint.
      VSF = Victorian Science Fiction .
      I chose the AWI American Minute men to represent the rangers as I thought they looked the part. The best thing about 10mm is you can paint on the detail you need! :)

  2. Interesting idea VSF, but assuming society has regressed, (hence the cities with "advanced" technology) OR, is society at the technological level we woukd expect for the Victorian era, but there has been a previous "Golden Age" where tech might have been, say, like the what we have available to us today???

    1. Thanks rross. Yes for your second option. I am thinking of a post apocalyptic setting where civilisation is getting back on its feet and bits are at the Victorian stage. Lots of cross over technologies, mutants and mayhem.

  3. Sorry Ben, your blog along with a couple of others, never seems to alert me to a new post! Are we off on a new campaign / storyline with these chaps?

    1. No worries JBM. I had the same problem but managed to find a solution. I will do a short post on how I fixed it this weekend.

      And yes, a new story line for a post apocalyptic world with VSF. Stealing ideas from many other blogs including the 1000 year war between the French and English.

    2. Hi JBM, Norm at his blog has beaten me to the punch and posted how to correct blogger to show updates.

  4. I'm browsing blogs who commented over on a terrible loss of lead and wealth. Might I suggest you change your blog template so more than one post shows on the home page. It's much easier (and I'm lazy) to be able to scroll through a 4 or 5 posts to get a sense of if I'm interested in a blog. Making it harder might cost you lazy readers like myself!

    1. Hi Dave, thanks for the comment and I have made it three posts per page - see how that goes :)

    2. Hi Dave, when I start the blog I get three pages but as soon as I check the comments it goes back to one. Not sure what is happening. One of those blog things :)

    3. Seems to be working now!

  5. Another commenter popping over from Stews, useful looking rangers!
    Best Iain

  6. Interesting use of those AWI figures. I thought I recognised them.
