
Wednesday 6 October 2021

Moon Terrain and Cities

 I have updated my moon terrain and made up some moon bases to fight over.

Moon Base X   Space X's moon Base

The base is made up of four sections. Central Control and main entrance (top centre), defence centre (left), Power (right) and habitat (bottom centre)

Close up of the Habitat and Central Control.

Moon Base Blue  - Blue Origin's Moon base.

Blue Origin have built their base underground with only the habitat domes visible

Airlocks lead down to the tunnels of the base.

I sprayed my moon boards and craters a darker grey. They still show the texture of the flock so it looks good to me. I also built two sorts of rough ground. Large rocks that will provide cover and also be impassable to vehicles and small rocks that will just be impassable to vehicles.

Anyway, something better to fight over and fun to make.

Space X's base is built from Electrical Cable junction boxes. The glass bubbles are from Christmas ornaments I picked up a long time ago cheap from office works.

I have decided that both companies will use Northrop Grumman Aerospace Jumbo Lunar Lander as I already have plenty of these.


  1. Very creative use of materials to make up the moon bases.

    1. Thanks Peter! Lots of fun making these. I only just now realised Space X's base is X shaped :)

  2. The moon base looks ace! Especially the Bio-Domes with the trees inside are so cool!

    1. Thanks very much Skully! The Bio-domes on the moon are of course very silly - burn for two weeks and then freeze for the next two weeks. But they do look cool. The real moon bases will probably just be piles of dirt over a frame which is not very exciting.
