
Saturday 26 October 2019

40K Dangerous Terrain - Fauna

The home world of the Bogan Tribe is called Terror Australis. A world of only one small continent, and bypassed by most colonising expeditions for two reasons. Only the coastal section of the continent is able to be settled by any civilised people and the interior contains many terrifying natural dangers and the crazed remnants of old settlements.

Recently an Ork Roc crashed landed in the middle of the continent but its Ork forces were quickly killed by the flora and fauna of Terror Australis. Only some Grots managed to make it to the eastern coastal cities and towns where they took over. But that is a story for another time.

This post covers the dangerous fauna of Terror Australis.

Two headed giant jumping rats.

One of the more feared of the fauna as they are likely to hunt you down and stomp you. They look cute in the distance but when they have just stomped you and both heads are ravenously devouring your body you soon change your mind.

Here some Space Rangers face down these creatures

Jack and Jill a roos and their sheep

Descended from the remnants of ancient stations these tribes drove their sheep from pasture to pasture. They think that anyone near their sheep is a thief and must be killed immediately. Very much of the shoot first ask questions later after checking the bodies for valuables.

They ride rusty old tractors which have a surprising turn of speed and agility in all terrain. They are  able to prosper in this dangerous land and are useful as scouts and guides if you can offer them enough sheep.

Their sheep are crazed by the harsh environment and will crush any threat by swarming and stomping it. Here are a few photos of the Space Rangers in a woolly situation.

Drop Bears

One of the most scary of all the terrors of the bush of Terror Australis. Lurking high in the trees they launch themselves down on unsuspecting passersby, knocking their victims out and then eating them while they are still fresh.

Their trees are surrounded by the bones of their unfortunate victims.

Here the Space Rangers wisely give these Drop Bears a wide berth and move warily past them. On the ground a Drop Bear is not too dangerous but if you see one, there are bound to be plenty more in the trees around.


One of the terrors that would be recognised on other worlds, these crocodiles differ only in their more aggressive behaviour and the ability to hunt in packs.

Here the Space Rangers form a firing line to blast the crocodiles - hopefully they have not let them get too close as the crocodiles are as fast on land as in the water.

The next instalment will cover some of the more dangerous flora.