
Tuesday 17 October 2017

22C - toot port attack

toot ground assault

As the sound of the toot DroneZ faded into the distance, with only the crackling flames and small explosions remaining as a memory of the battle a new wave of sound approached.

Somehow toot had moved a significant force of HumanZ, BusZ and TankZ past the guards and into assault positions. Only just in time were the ferals able to organise their defence after being warned by the early toot DroneZ attack.

toot forces prepare for their assault

toot forces rush forward while ferals forces wipe the sleep from their eyes and move into firing positions in each building.

toot BusZ and TankZ move through the centre of the battlefield, smashing feral bikes, utes and trucks. On the flanks the HumanZ assault the feral buildings. The right side of the feral port gets the most attention and many humans are destroyed by the zombie like HumanZ.

On the left side, concentrated fire power destroys most of the HumanZ and their assault fails.

toot forces attack but suffer significant casualties

another view showing the feral utes and trucks emerging to attack the toot invasion

The end of the final turn, the toot forces have been almost totally destroyed, only one TankZ and one BusZ are left and decide that the intelligence they contain in their memories is more valuable than any additional feral casualties, therefore they make a quick exit.

While the ferals claim a victory the explosions and fires show the cost.

A view from the sea, flame engulfs the port.

HumanZ casualties are terrible but toot knows there are plenty of them and more are ready each year.

Feral casualties are also high

Rules: I use Fubar SciFi rules. toot HumanZ bases count as one figure, the feral infantry count a figure for every model.

toot are always elite so move and fire most turns.

ferals count as veteran.

toot server main control unit. - the HumanZ have failed once again against the feral. It is time to start producing the RoBroZ. Rumours of a new human force continue to appear, nothing certain yet, but it does not pay to be unprepared. Orders go out to start building RoBroZ as well as to refurbish a space craft at Kennedy Space centre. You don't live forever by ignoring fate.


  1. Great stuff!
    Apologies, but I lost track of your blog for awhile, and then it showed up in one of my searches. I really enjoyed the "Uber" backstory to give context, and nice battle report here.

  2. Thanks Major Guiscard for your comment.
    Unfortunately, just as you re-found me we are going off line for a few months - back in 2018 with battles between toot's RoBroZ and the Armies of Humanities.
