
Tuesday 19 September 2017

22C - Port City

Port City

In a little known city on the seaboard, some of the shattered survivors of the merchant marine and the navies of the world gathered together for shelter and mutual protection.

With bulk supplies of essential military and civilian goods they soon became a magnet for any of the people who had escaped toot as well as the feral tribes.

In this port, an amphibious warfare ship is joined by a submarine and a general supply ship and small container ship.

The port holds the containers from its last delivery plus some surplus trucks, including the rusting remains of toots trucks that would not submit to their new owners.

One ship in the harbour has sunk but the enterprising humans have turned it into a watch tower.

While the humans are happy with their lot and feel safe from toot, nonetheless their ships and hopes are slowly rusting away. 

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