
Monday 16 September 2013

40K Space Rangers

Space Rangers

In the dark mists of time, when the Emperor was challenged he always sent for his most trusted troops, the elite of the elite, the SPACE RANGERS!

Space Rangers had the usual Marine equipment plus two unique features. First collapsible wings allowing them to drop from orbit, and second, a high powered close combat laser in the right arm of their armour.

They were the only one of all the Emperor's space marine chapters to be chosen as an action figure!

Here are a few of the remaining images showing the Space Rangers during operation “Trademark Infringement” in the war against the False Emperor Zurg.

The Space Rangers secure a communal food preparation store. Their motto - “we come in peace”

A close up of Commander Buzz and his blue utility belt.

A Zurg propaganda poster is defaced.

Space Rangers move into contact.

Another piece of Zurg's empire heads for the scrap heap.

Recon Unit "RC" gets some new orders for the next action.

A land speeder in the colours of the Space Rangers takes off.

Space Ranger rocket troops, motto “falling with style” take off to fight the enemy.


  1. I'm a bit late seeing this post, but it's brilliant. Bravo!

    1. Thanks Jason. I am still building the army.
      More RC units and a Space Ranger Ranger unit as well. :)

  2. Looking forward to seeing them.

  3. Absolutely remarkable! I have been developing a taste for 40K Science-fiction lately, and I am pleased to see the blend of my favorite childhood franchise with this mature modern format of Space Fantasy; for one thing, I had always pictured Buzz Lightyear in this context, as a member of an elite cadre of skilled and advanced soldiers, in the service of a great and powerful empire, restoring peace to rebel worlds.
    If I might make a suggestion, perhaps the False Emperor Zurg and his rebel army would be a reasonable continuation of this project? I have seen variations on Zurg in 40k, but most are in the form of Necron lords or great Tyrannids, whereas I had always pictured Zurg, in the fantasy context, as an upstart rebel attempting to found his own accursed realm; and in 40k, he could likely be incorporated as a traitor Primaris Commander, in the service of Tzeentch or Slaanesh, denouncing the Emperor and declaring himself "Ruler of Mankind." If you are still engaged in this work, I do believe that creating some foes for the Space Rangers would be a delightful step.
    In any case, I am very impressed with your work. I shall have to incorporate these fellows into my own, privately-held 40k session, in which the Emperor has been resurrected by the efforts of a few hopeful priests, he has diligently reorganized his Imperium, and forged new Space Marine Legions and Chapters to employ on the front line of battle.

    1. Thank you very much for your kind words. The Space Rangers progress in fits and starts. you can see more of them if you click the label "Space Rangers" at the top left of the page.
      I have thought about a Emperor Zurg army. I am not surprised some have used Necrons as Zurg's army is made of robots but I think a break away marine chapter would also be appropriate.
      I actually wrote a story about the space rangers and how they were destroyed because they shared some of Zurg's DNA - in the second film Buzz finds out that Zurg is his father. :)
      Thanks for your comment.
