
Thursday 24 March 2022

Terrain Post Modern Victorian Jungle

My apologies for the poorly punctuated title - just a little joke.


While I was playing my WW3 games I realised that while I had plenty of city terrain I did not really have any town terrain. This was also true of my Victorian gaming.

For the modern city I needed new roads and a town area, plus I needed to vary the colours of my buildings from boring grey.

modern roads and a base for the town

Updating the colours of the buildings and adding some detail in signs and graffiti. 

Photo from the rear

Not perfect, need to add cars and other scatter terrain but much better than the town from my post earlier in the year.


Then I decided I had to update my Victorian towns. This required the purchase of some additional buildings that I got from Outland terrain who have some nice N Scale buildings both as kits and 3D prints. The Victorian ones are all 3D prints but the modern ones (in the photo above in the middle and top right are kits usually, the silo is a 3D print.

The Victorian ones are all 3D prints and all designed very cleverly and are assembled just like a kit. Like the modern version I have to add more scatter terrain, in this case trees and bushes and barrels etc.

Here is the new town base and road. I still need to add more greenery

The wharf and light house. Just in case I decide to have a seaborne invasion. Both 3D prints. I could use them for moderns as well

A closer shot of the buildings. Top right hand corner of the town is actually a railway station that will come in handy.

Another shot of the town

When I made the roads and town bases for the modern and Victorian towns, I made the print outs. The river came from Wargames Vault that has lots of files for roads, all better than the ones I made and very cheap.

I printed everything onto 200gsm paper and then stuck to self sticking vinyl tiles that are easily cut to shape. The tiles are quite thin - about 2mm, but have enough weight to lie flat and not move about.

The tiles are $2.50 from Bunnings so the whole project is cheap.

The river looks good, much better than anything I could do. I am thinking I may experiment with adding flock to the edges so it blends with the table more. 


Over time I have bought a lot of cheap palm trees from Aliexpress for no real reason other than they were cheap. I then decided I needed to create a jungle for Captain James T Cook to battle through so also bought some cheap bushes and Bamboo groves

Overall Jungle

dark scary jungle

More dark scary jungle

Based on CDs/DVDs. As Stalin said - quantity has a quality all of its own.  

It all looks quite ominous from side on - who knows what creatures dwell within it- certainly the Chompers from the previous post and also the various monsters painted in July last year. Captain James T Cook is going to need a lot of luck or firepower to make it through.

Friday 4 March 2022

Painted VSF, aliens, creatures and robots

 There was going to be a few more Cold War WW3 posts but I have gone off them at the moment.

Instead here is the fruits of my painting over the last two weeks.

As always, my painting does not show its best in close-ups but at 1 metre and if you squint a bit they qualify as wargaming standard.

First up a dwarf army for my next project Post Apocalyptic VSF

These will be the evolutionary result of living in old mines with limited head room.

The whole army, Artillery, Muskets and Pike.

Close up of the artillery

Close up of the pike and muskets

Another one of the whole army

These will be for the new VSF project but also for any alien worlds. No doubt Captain James T Cook will encounter them soon.

Nasty little chaps

Evil mind controlling aliens. Either to encounter in space or just as likely invading earth! Most likely around the White House or Capitol Building.

Rusty Robots - evil creations from a long ago war, badly maintained. The idea is that they will only activate 50% of the time but when they do they will be really dangerous

A different shot

Not a particular exciting post, but one that is likely to make you feel very smug about your painting skills :)

Anyway, hopefully they will all appear in a game or two this year.