
Wednesday 18 November 2020

19C - French VSF Army

 A new army appears in my VSF universe. The French!

I already have the Prussians (aka Victorians) and British (aka N.S.W.) but "needed" a new army to make it more interesting.

The French army has been very methodical in re-building itself since the Martian unpleasantness.

Obviously they need big guns to protect the major cities and towns from any Martian resurgence.

Starting with the big guns:

Big fortress guns in emplacements on hills to deter those miserable Martians or even those pesky Prussians.

A close up of the new emplacements and guns

Also of course you if you are going to field a respectable army you must have cavalry to charge in and save the day or die spectacularly. 

Heaven forbid any junior officer points out that cavalry have been pretty useless for the past 50 years. 
I can imagine painting some Roman cavalry and they would not look much different.

Cavalry squadrons pass either side of the guns to search for evidence of Martians or other invaders.

More to follow as I paint my way through the last purchase.

All figures from Pendraken and very nice they are. Don't get put off by my painting skills.