
Saturday 21 December 2019

Aircraft Carriers of the Apocalypse - Part 3

Part Three- Aircraft Carrier of the Apocalypse - Year 100

100 years have passed since the apocalypse - or end on times as it is called now.

The Fleet is now much reduced in circumstances but is the only tribe that can still trace a history back to the apocalypse. The Admiral is now a hereditary position but no one questions this. The carrier still keeps them safe in times of war, mutant hordes and zombie outbreaks.

The people of the Fleet are proud that they still understand the technology of the golden years and their solar arrays keep the corridors, hangers and rooms of the carrier bright. Although the younger ones doubt that there were ever flying machines or that the carrier could move. "How could something this large move?" they ask each other. "It would take ten thousand horses to move it." The old ones disagree and remember when the plane landed on the carriers 40 years ago, sent by a mysterious 2nd Fleet. "It is all true!" they say.

There are no flying vehicles anymore, the last plane to land on the carrier is used as a chicken coop.

But still the marines have firearms, Gatling guns and cannon. They have fast hitting cavalry squadrons and wagons to carry their supplies.

Many of the wastelands peoples envy the luxury of the Fleet and it is often the subject of their attacks.

The flight deck is busy again, but with agriculture. A rickety bridge joins the carrier to the docks. In the past it has been necessary to destroy the bridge to create a moat around the ship.

A dock has been added to the starboard side of the ship. While the control island has been turned into a lookout.

The marine column moves out on a mission to look for supplies and recruits. The dockyard is littered with the burnt out remains of multiple attacks.

The last fighter - now a chicken coop

Solar arrays at each end of the carrier provide power for the lights of the ship. Everything else is done using people or animals.

Saturday 7 December 2019

Aircraft Carriers of the Apocalypse - Part 2

Part Two- Aircraft Carrier of the Apocalypse - Year 50

50 years from the beginning of the Apocalypse things are not going so well. (But don't tell the Admiral that!) The nuclear / alien / mutant / zombies apocalypse has degenerated into a typical post apocalypse scenario of competing warlords, tribes, irradiated areas, mutant hordes, alien complexes, and toxic zones.

In our second aircraft carrier of the apocalypse we see how things are going.

The aircraft carrier has been joined by the rest of what they call "The Fleet". The Fleet is the most powerful force on this part of the continent.

But the resources at the Admiral's command are less than what they once were.

The flight deck is empty expect for three civilian helicopters armed with improvised gun bays. The flight deck is kept clear as they hope other units will join them soon.

All the Ospreys, C47 helicopters and attack helicopters have been lost in various accidents or enemy action.The  three re-purposed civilian choppers make the Fleet the strongest army in reach and are the only known flying craft.

The carriers' fighters are now lined up on the dock, made useless by a lack of parts and maintenance, overgrown like the rest of the dockyard infrastructure.

The marines are a shadow of their former selves. Two generations have past since the apocalypse and equipment is now scavenged from whatever source is available. Still the fuel from the Fleet logistics train keeps them going.

The flight deck is nearly empty, but the marines are still a viable force.

The dockyards are overgrown, the carrier is joined to the docks by a permanent bridge to allow safe storage of the Fleets vehicles.

The arrival of cargo ships with weapons and fuel soon after the apocalypse helped the Fleet. Crew from the submarine and the patrol ship helped form the cadre of a battalion as well as supplying power from their engines. 

Another marine column leaves to raid the desolate lands for food and supplies.

Rusting ship and decaying docks. Victory is just around the corner!

The marine column moves out

A close up of the flight deck.